Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 19, 2025
The wedding feast at Cana stands as a gospel favorite. Jesus and his mother attended the banquet but the wine ran short. At the insistence of his mother, Jesus performed the "first of his signs" and sparked faith among his followers. The wine flowed freely and the party continued. This first sign was to be a model for other signs in John and template for our celebrations in sacrament.
FIRST READING The message from so-called "Third Isaiah" spoke to vision, seeing potential in the midst of squalor. Jerusalem had be devastated by the Babylonian Exile, but would revive, despite the low mood of the returnees.
PSALM Psalm 96 is a praise hymn, not only for the nation, but for all nations.
SECOND READING St. Paul wrote the assembly in Corinth about the spiritual gifts. They might vary in type and degree, but they are all present to do one thing, promote the faith, not the ego.
GOSPEL John's Gospel presented the famous Wedding at Cana, where Jesus was shamed by his mother to perform his first public sign. Changing water into wine was a sign that resonated with his followers and caused belief.
DAILY READINGS for First Week in Ordinary Time.
CHILDREN'S READINGS In the story for the first reading, Jeremy corrected his grandfather when he made a mistake in directions. Sometimes God wants people to speak up when people are too depressed to do his will. In the story for the gospel, Sophie felt down for a giant mistake that scored a goal for the opposing team. Her coach, however, would not give up on her. Like Sophie's coach, the mother of Jesus would not give up on him or the wedding banquet they attended. Her belief in Jesus revived the party, and gave others a reason to believe in him.
CATECHISM LINK In this week's Catechism Link, we discuss Jesus as the Teacher and Miracle Worker.
FAMILY ACTIVITY Plan a family meal or picnic, but remember to set a place for Jesus. His presence can make a huge difference, just as it did at Cana.