Family Activity

Worship Basket for "Number One"

At the end of his forty days in the desert, Jesus was tempted. Beyond the temptations for the bread of the earth, the popularity of the Temple faithful, and the power over the nations Jesus was tempted with a question of priorities. Who was the most important person in his life?

Lent is a time to ask the same question. Who is 'number one?' When we give the best to God, we show him his place in our lives. And we are not as tempted to keep those things for ourselves. Create a "Worship Basket" for your family. Have family members gather items that represent the best they have. (Be creative with these items. Think beyond material items. Also, think in terms of talents and time.) Put a sign on the basket that says "The Best We Give To God." Put the basket in a place your family will see throughout Lent. Use the basket as a focal point for prayer. Let the basket remind your family what Lent is all about: who is 'Number One!'