Family Activity

Story Telling Time

The Prodigal Son story is one of the most popular parables in the gospels. The story line is simple. A son leaves home to find fame and fortune, only to discover a life of pain away from the ones he loved. He returns humbler and wiser, expecting to be treated like a servant. But he finds he is still the son of a father that loves him.

This narrative is perfect for story telling. Tell the story from memory and feel free to embellish. Or, role play the narrative. If you're really creative, turn different rooms in your house into the various scenes of the narrative (the father's farm, the party town, the pig farm, etc.) Decorate each room accordingly and lead your family through the rooms as ths story unfolds.

No matter how you share the story use it as a means to communicate the parable's moral. Turn back to God and he will accept you as his very own child. Your family could even receive the sacrament of reconciliation as a response to the parable.